Partners of SSS



Ishtar Bee Entertainment and Productions is a sister entertainment company in Singapore which takes
great pride in giving you the highest level of professionalism and dedication in entertainment. Ishtar
Bee designs and runs entertainment in Singapore, customised to cater to your needs and fit your
budget, with top-quality artists and professionals in the entertainment industry to make your event
one to remember fondly.


When Mestre Claudinho (Claudio S. de Morais, Brazil) first arrived in Singapore in 2005, he
established a Capoeira group which is now known as Saudação Capoeira Singapore (SCS). Since then,
SCS has grown to be the leading centre for Brazilian arts and culture and the premier Capoeira school
in Singapore since then. SCS is the only Capoeira school associated with Singapore School of Samba
and is also the only Capoeira school with programs for young children, youths-at risk, adults,
programs endorsed by the National Arts Council, a full-fledged Batucada percussion band and the
most authentic Brazilian entertainment offerings in Singapore.